Mountain Madness

Mountain Madness is a mountain climbing, skiing, and trekking guide service, with a mountaineering school for all levels. Our home base has been located in Seattle, Washington since 1984. We welcome you to join us on any of the many adventures we offer.

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Shortly after completing the coveted, yet harrowing second ascent of Kilimanjaro’s Breach Icicle, Mountain Madness founders, Scott Fischer and Wes Krause, took pause. Relieved they survived the ascent of this vertical, detached pillar of ice, they also realized that they were hooked on adventure. Over the years they were chased by grizzly bears, walked among lions, rode avalanches, and made first ascents as they traveled across the globe. From this partnership emerged Mountain Madness and the passion to share the challenge, beauty, and joy of climbing and trekking.

In the more than thirty-five years that have elapsed since those wild and crazy days, Mountain Madness has achieved worldwide acclaim for excellence. And we continue to provide a wide range of trips for the first time trekker, all the way to those striving for an ascent of Mount Everest—and there is always a new cutting edge adventure waiting for those who join us year after year!

Our mission at Mountain Madness is to provide the highest quality experience for beginner and advanced mountaineers and trekkers alike. Every trip we offer provides highly qualified guides (expert in their specific destination) and the opportunity for cultural exchange; an extraordinary mental and physical challenge unique to mountain travel; wilderness skills development, self-discovery and environmental awarness.
And while achieving your goal is important, so is enjoying the process. We treat you right every step of the way, from the first time you call our office to the last goodbye.

It’s not the destination that’s important; it’s how you get there…


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Alaska, Colorado, Washington


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